This surfskate course is all about FAST Progression.

Improve your flow and style

Generate speed and become a MASTER of pumping

Be ready to start manoeuvres - like cutbacks, floaters and snaps

And ultimately… have more fun on your board and in the water!

Whether you’re flying down the line with loads of speed, performing a carve, or smacking the lip… That feeling only gets more addictive.

But just like you need to be able to walk before you can run… You need to be comfortable and able to generate speed, before you can perform radical manoeuvres.

What You Can Expect From This Course...

So this course is dedicated to helping you really understand...

✔️ The perfect stance - to give you stability and control

✔️ How to distribute your weight correctly

✔️ How to rotate your hips to gain more speed 

✔️ And the difference between backside and frontside pumping - so you can enjoy both lefts and rights!

You'll get...

A comprehensive course, with 7 modules to help you progress

Lots of simple drills which you can practise on land, on the skateboard, and in the water

Tutorials and drills applicable to YOUR stance - i.e. choose Regular or Goofy

AND access to our private Facebook group where you can get personal feedback and share the stoke 🤙🏽

It’s all about mastering the basics which will give you a great foundation to build on.

What are our students are saying...

"I absolutely LOVE the course!! Fantastic content and great video editing!! Also so cool to have a goofy or regular version. Finally the weight distribution/hip movement clicked for me. Can’t wait when you create a course for bottom turns and alike. 🔥🔥"


mako surfskate -  founder

Meet Your Coach

Hi I’m Juan - also known as “Speedy Don Juan” in the water 😅

I’ve been surfing for the past 5 years and skating since I was a kid.

Ever since I tried surfing for the first time, I fell in love with the sport and have been obsessed with getting better.

Surfskate is my favourite way to train, because you can practice on land - over and over again.

Perfect for beginners and intermediates who want to improve their flow and style.

  • Feel more comfortable when you’re on the wave, so you’re no longer just “hanging on for your life”
  • Understand how to distribute your weight so you stop losing speed or getting stuck on the wave
  • Look way more stylish 😎
  • And ultimately… have more fun!

PS - The course below is for Goofy footed people!

For the Regular Version, please click here.

If you don't LOVE the course, we will give you a full refund.

So join us now & get ready to become a better surfer.